GitHub Stats Terminal Style

Dynamically Generate GitHub Stats as like Terminal Interface.



  1. Create a New Repository using this Template or click here to create.
  2. Create the personal Acess token. Check this link to create personal access token.
  3. Add a New Repository secret to your repo. Name of the secret is must be GHT and valve is your personal access token. Checkout this link to add new repositiry secret.

The File github_stats.svg is svg image of your github stats. you can copy the link of the image and use it any where. By default it update daily at 2:47 UTC you can also can this by change the cron in /.github/workflows/main.yml by using Cron Generator.


Now only Nine themes are only available.

By default random theme is assigned every day.

you can change the theme by change the command in file /.github/workflows/main.yml


python3 ${{ github.repository_owner }}

to this

python3 ${{ github.repository_owner }} --theme <Theme Name>
Theme Sample Theme Name
atom atom
default default
dracula dracula
github github
googledark googledark
googlelight googlelight
monokai monokai
powershell powershell
Ubuntu ubunutu
