FineDiving: A Fine-grained Dataset for Procedure-aware Action Quality Assessment

Created by Jinglin Xu*, Yongming Rao*, Xumin Yu, Guangyi Chen, Jie Zhou, Jiwen Lu

This repository contains the FineDiving dataset and PyTorch implementation for Temporal Segmentation Attention. (CVPR 2022)

[Project Page] [[arXiv]](Coming soon) [Dataset]



We construct a fine-grained video dataset organized by both semantic and temporal structures, where each structure contains two-level annotations.

  • For semantic structure, the action-level labels describe the action types of athletes and the step-level labels depict the sub-action types of consecutive steps in the procedure, where adjacent steps in each action procedure belong to different sub-action types. A combination of sub-action types produces an action type.

  • In temporal structure, the action-level labels locate the temporal boundary of a complete action instance performed by an athlete. During this annotation process, we discard all the incomplete action instances and filter out the slow playbacks. The step-level labels are the starting frames of consecutive steps in the action procedure.


Given a raw diving video, the annotator utilizes our defined lexicon to label each action and its procedure. We accomplish two annotation stages from coarse- to fine-grained. The coarse stage is to label the action type for each action instance and its temporal boundary accompanied with the official score. The fine-grained stage is to label the sub-action type for each step in the action procedure and record the starting frame of each step, utilizing an effective Annotation Toolbox.

The annotation information is saved in FineDiving_coarse_annotation.pkl and FineDiving_fine-grained_annotation.pkl.

Field Name Type Description Field Name Type Description
action_type string Description of the action type. sub-action_types dict Description of the sub-action type.
(x, y) string Instance ID. judge_scores list Judge scores.
dive_score float Diving score of the action instance. frames_labels array Step-level labels of the frames.
difficulty float Difficulty of the action type. steps_transit_frames array Frame index of step transitions.
start_frame int Start frame of the action instance. end_frame int End frame of the action instance.


The FineDiving dataset consists of 3000 video samples, crossed 52 action types, 29 sub-action types, and 23 difficulty degree types.


We have made the full dataset available on [Baidu Drive] (extract number: 0624).



  • Python 3.7.9
  • Pytorch 1.7.1
  • torchvision 0.8.2
  • timm 0.3.4
  • torch_videovision
pip install git+

The FineDiving Dataset for AQA

  • The data structure should be:

├── FineDiving
|  ├── FINADivingWorldCup2021_Men3m_final_r1
|     ├── 0
|        ├── 00489.jpg
|        ...
|        └── 00592.jpg
|     ...
|     └── 11
|        ├── 14425.jpg
|        ...
|        └── 14542.jpg
|  ...
|  └── FullMenSynchronised10mPlatform_Tokyo2020Replays_2
|     ├── 0
|     ...
|     └── 16 

Pretrain Model

The Kinetics pretrained I3D downloaded from the reposity kinetics_i3d_pytorch


Experimental Setting

# frame_length : 96             # the number of frames for each video
# voter_number : 10             # the number of exemplars in inference
# fix_size : 5                  # the number of frames in each step
# step_num : 3                  # the number of step transitions in each action
# prob_tas_threshold : 0.25     # the ratio of iteration
# random_choosing : False       # whether selecting exemplars randomly or not
# action_number_choosing: True  # whether selecting exemplars based on action types or not

Training and Evaluation

# train a model on FineDiving
bash TSA FineDiving 0,1

# resume the training process
bash TSA FineDiving 0,1 --resume

# test a model on FineDiving
bash TSA FineDiving 0,1 --test

Contact: [email protected]


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