Flickr Downloader

This tiny Python tool can download all public photos of a user, even though they’re disabled.


We need Python Requests to scrape, BeautifulSoup to download and FlickrAPI to get photo IDs.

pip install requests
pip install html5lib
pip install bs4
pip install flickrapi


There is only one feature, just run then enter the user ID:

python .\

You can get the user ID from profile URLs, example 12345678N00 from:


This tool will try to download the largest size of the photos. The downloaded photos are in download directory.

The log files in log directory contains downloaded IDs, which will be ignored in the next times you download.

Known Issue

I’m using Python 3.10.2 with FlickrAPI 2.4.0, so I got this error:

'xml.etree.ElementTree.Element' object has no attribute 'getchildren'

If you have the same error, try to find your flickrapi/, in my case is:


Edit line 690 from photoset = rsp.getchildren()[0] to photoset = list(rsp)[0].





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