
Helperpod is a CLI tool to run a Kubernetes utility pod with pre-installed tools that can be used for debugging/testing purposes inside a Kubernetes cluster.


  • Docker (For building and pushing the image)
  • kubectl (Or the kubeconfig file either located in default ~/.kube/config path, or an environment variable named KUBECONFIG pointed to a specific config file path)


  • Install the required libraries
python3 -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt
  • Configure container registry information, this can be either done via manually editing the config.json file or via the CLI itself.

# Initialize the configuration file with default values
./ config init

# Set the container registry username at minimum for proper configuration
# You should be logged with this user via `docker login` before pushing the image to the registry
./ config set username <USERNAME>

# Set the container registry, e.g. "", ""
./ config set registry <REGISTRY_NAME>

# Set the container image repository 
./ config set repository <REPOSITORY_NAME>

# Set the image tag
./ config set tag <TAG_NAME>

# Show the current configurations
./ config show
  • Build the container image (requires Docker engine to be running)
./ build
  • Push the container image to container registry (requires Docker engine to be running)

# e.g.
./ push
  • Run the helperpod inside Kubernetes

# Defaults to current namespace
./ run

# Run in another namespace
./ --namespace <NAMESPACE>

# Shorthand:
  • Delete the helperpod

# Defaults to current namespace
./helperpod rm

# Delete from another namespace
./helperpod rm --namespace <NAMESPACE>


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