
strava-offline is a tool to keep a local mirror of Strava activities for further analysis/processing:

  • synchronizes metadata about your bikes and activities to an SQLite

  • downloads all your activities as GPX (and supports not downloading bulk
    activities again)

Example of what you can do with the data:



Using pipx:

pipx ensurepath
pipx install git+

To keep a local git clone around:

git clone
make -C strava-offline pipx

Alternatively, if you don't need the isolated virtualenv that pipx
provides, feel free to just:

pip install git+

Setup and usage

  • Run strava-offline sqlite. The first time you do this, it will open Strava
    in a browser and ask for permissions. The token is then saved and it
    proceeds to sync activities metadata (this may take a couple dozen seconds
    the first time). Next time you run this, it uses the saved token and
    incrementally syncs latest activities (this takes a few seconds).

  • Now you can use sqlite3 to query the activity database, which is placed
    at ~/.local/share/strava_offline/strava.sqlite by default. Try for example:

    sqlite3 ~/.local/share/strava_offline/strava.sqlite \
    ​  "SELECT CAST(SUM(distance)/1000 AS INT) || ' km' FROM activity"
  • For GPX downloading, you'll need to get the _strava4_session cookie from
    your web browser session. Open in your browser and
    then follow a guide for your browser to obtain the cookie value:

  • You may also need to obtain your own Client ID and Client Secret from because the built-in ID/Secret is
    shared with other users and may hit rate limits (HTTP 429 Too Many
    Requests). Pass these as --client-id and --client-secret command line
    arguments or export as STRAVA_CLIENT_ID and STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET
    environment variables.

    Alternatively, you may just wait a couple minutes and try again, but the
    rate limits are rather strict, so in the unlikely event this tool gets
    popular, serious users will have to get their own API application

    (That settings page also lists Your Access Token but this won't let you
    download private activities or see names of bikes. Therefore its use is not
    supported in strava-offline.)

Mirror activities metadata

$ strava-offline sqlite --help
Usage: strava-offline sqlite [OPTIONS]

  Synchronize bikes and activities metadata to local sqlite3 database.
  Unless --full is given, the sync is incremental, i.e. only new activities
  are synchronized and deletions aren't detected.

  Strava API: 
    --client-id TEXT      Strava OAuth 2 client id  [env var:

    --client-secret TEXT  Strava OAuth 2 client secret  [env var:

    --token-file FILE     Strava OAuth 2 token store  [default:

    --http-host TEXT      OAuth 2 HTTP server host  [default:]
    --http-port INTEGER   OAuth 2 HTTP server port  [default: 12345]
  Sync options: 
    --full / --no-full    Perform full sync instead of incremental  [default:

    --database FILE       Sqlite database file  [default: /home/user/.local/sh

  --config FILE           Read configuration from FILE.  [default:

  --help                  Show this message and exit.

Mirror activities as GPX

Important: To avoid overloading Strava servers (and possibly getting
noticed), first download all your existing activities using the Bulk Export
feature of Strava
. Then use --dir-activities-backup at
least once to let strava-offline reuse these downloaded files.

$ strava-offline gpx --help
Usage: strava-offline gpx [OPTIONS]

  Download known (previously synced using the "sqlite" command) activities
  in GPX format. It's recommended to only use this incrementally to download
  the latest activities every day or week, and download the bulk of your
  historic activities directly from Strava. Use --dir-activities-backup to
  avoid downloading activities already downloaded in the bulk.

  Strava web: 
    --strava4-session TEXT        '_strava4_session' cookie value  [env var:
                                  STRAVA_COOKIE_STRAVA4_SESSION; required]

  GPX storage: 
    --dir-activities DIRECTORY    Directory to store gpx files indexed by
                                  activity id  [default: /home/user/.local/sha

    --dir-activities-backup DIRECTORY
                                  Optional path to activities in Strava backup
                                  (no need to redownload these)

    --database FILE               Sqlite database file  [default: /home/user/.

  --config FILE                   Read configuration from FILE.  [default: /ho

  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Configuration file

Secrets (and other options) can be set permanently in a config file,
which is located at ~/.config/strava_offline/config.yaml by default
(on Linux; on other platforms see output of --help).

Sample config file can be generated using the --config-sample flag:

$ strava-offline --config-sample
# Strava OAuth 2 client id
strava_client_id: '12345'

# Strava OAuth 2 client secret
strava_client_secret: SECRET

# Strava OAuth 2 token store
strava_token_filename: /home/user/.config/strava_offline/token.json

# OAuth 2 HTTP server host

# OAuth 2 HTTP server port
http_port: 12345

# Perform full sync instead of incremental
full: false

# Sqlite database file
strava_sqlite_database: /home/user/.local/share/strava_offline/strava.sqlite

# '_strava4_session' cookie value
strava_cookie_strava4_session: TEXT

# Directory to store gpx files indexed by activity id
dir_activities: /home/user/.local/share/strava_offline/activities

# Optional path to activities in Strava backup (no need to redownload these)
dir_activities_backup: DIRECTORY

# Sqlite database file
strava_sqlite_database: /home/user/.local/share/strava_offline/strava.sqlite
