Mctx: MCTS-in-JAX

Mctx is a library with a JAX-native
implementation of Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) algorithms such as
MuZero, and
Gumbel MuZero. For computation
speed up, the implementation fully supports JIT-compilation. Search algorithms
in Mctx are defined for and operate on batches of inputs, in parallel. This
allows to make the most of the accelerators and enables the algorithms to work
with large learned environment models parameterized by deep neural networks.


Mctx can be installed with pip directly from github, with the following command:

pip install git+git://

or from PyPI:

pip install mctx


Learning and search have been important topics since the early days of AI
research. In the words of Rich Sutton: One thing that should be learned […]
is the great power of general purpose methods, of methods that continue to scale
with increased computation even as the available computation becomes very great.
The two methods that seem to scale arbitrarily in this way are search and

Recently, search algorithms have been successfully combined with learned models
parameterized by deep neural networks, resulting in some of the most powerful
and general reinforcement learning algorithms to date (e.g. MuZero).
However, using search algorithms in combination with deep neural networks
requires efficient implementations, typically written in fast compiled
languages; this can come at the expense of usability and hackability,
especially for researchers that are not familiar with C++. In turn this limits
adoption and further research on this critical topic.

Through this library, we hope to help researchers everywhere to contribute to
such an exciting area of research. We provide JAX-native implementations of core
search algorithms such as MCTS, that we believe strike a good balance between
performance and usability for researchers that want to investigate search-based
algorithms in Python. The search methods provided by Mctx are
heavily configurable to allow researchers to explore a variety of ideas in
this space, and contribute to the next generation of search based agents.

Search in Reinforcement Learning

In Reinforcement Learning the agent must learn to interact with the
environment in order to maximize a scalar reward signal. On each step the
agent must select an action and receives in exchange an observation and a
reward. We may call whatever mechanism the agent uses to select the action the
agent’s policy.

Classically, policies are parameterized directly by a function approximator (as
in REINFORCE), or policies are inferred by inspecting a set of learned estimates
of the value of each action (as in Q-learning). Alternatively, search allows to
select actions by constructing on the fly, in each state, a policy or a value
function local to the current state, by searching using a learned model of
the environment.

Exhaustive search over all possible future courses of actions is computationally
prohibitive in any non trivial environment, hence we need search algorithms
that can make the best use of a finite computational budget. Typically priors
are needed to guide which nodes in the search tree to expand (to reduce the
breadth of the tree that we construct), and value functions are used to
estimate the value of incomplete paths in the tree that don’t reach an episode
termination (to reduce the depth of the search tree).


Mctx provides a low-level generic search function and high-level concrete
policies: muzero_policy and gumbel_muzero_policy.

The user needs to provide several learned components to specify the
representation, dynamics and prediction used by MuZero.
In the context of the Mctx library, the representation of the root state is
specified by a RootFnOutput. The RootFnOutput contains the prior_logits
from a policy network, the estimated value of the root state, and any
embedding suitable to represent the root state for the environment model.

The dynamics environment model needs to be specified by a recurrent_fn.
A recurrent_fn(params, rng_key, action, embedding) call takes an action and
a state embedding. The call should return a tuple (recurrent_fn_output, new_embedding) with a RecurrentFnOutput and the embedding of the next state.
The RecurrentFnOutput contains the reward and discount for the transition,
and prior_logits and value for the new state.

In examples/
you can see calls to a policy:

policy_output = mctx.gumbel_muzero_policy(params, rng_key, root, recurrent_fn,

The policy_output.action contains the action proposed by the search. That
action can be passed to the environment. To improve the policy, the
policy_output.action_weights contain targets usable to train the policy

We recommend to use the gumbel_muzero_policy.
Gumbel MuZero guarantees a policy
improvement if the action values are correctly evaluated. The policy improvement
is demonstrated in

Citing Mctx

This is not an officially supported Google product. Mctx is part of the
DeepMind JAX Ecosystem, to cite Mctx please use the DeepMind JAX Ecosystem


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