
This project is trying to Recreate CenternetV2 based on MMDET, which is proposed in paper Probabilistic two-stage detection.

This project is also for the contest OpenMMLab Algorithm Ecological Challenge.

This is NOT the official implementation.

Quick peek at the result:

The paper: centernet2(CascadeRCNN-CenterNet w. prob.) mAP is 42.9.

This implementation: we implement centernet2(CascadeRCNN-CenterNet w. prob.) mAP is 43.2.

Note: We will continue to maintain the code with trick.

Note: We always reproduce the weights, which Verification and inference part.


Code: we add detector in mmdet/models/detectors/

Code: we add config in configs/centernetv2/

Code: we add centernet_head in mmdet/dense_heads/

Code: we add hm_binary_focal_loss in mmdet/losses/

Code: we modify mmdet/roi_heads/, add the super parameter add_agnostic_score to Control whether the first stage score.This hyperparameter does not affect the use of other configuration files

Code: we modify mmdet/bbox_head/, add the super parameter add_agnostic_score to Control Whether to use softmax.This hyperparameter does not affect the use of other configuration files


MMDetection: this project is based on version v2.15.0.

MMCV: version v1.3.5

Dataset: coco_train_2017(117k) as training dataset and coco_val_2017(5k) as testing dataset. All the results are reported on coco_val_2017.

Results reported in the paper:

AP AP50 AP75 APs APm APl
cascadeRCNN-CenterNet w.prob 42.862 59.519 47.028 24.064 47.043 56.197

Results by this implementation:

AP AP50 AP75 APs APm APl
cascadeRCNN-CenterNet w.prob 43.2 60.6 47.9 25.3 46.6 56.2

Log and model:

backbone Iter bbox AP Config Log Model GPUs
cascadeRCNN-CenterNet w.prob R-50-FPN 90000 43.2 config log baidu [jip5] single-v100(batch=20)


You can train and inference the model like any other models in MMDetection, see docs for details.

conda create -n centernetv2 python=3.7 -y

conda install pytorch cudatoolkit=10.1 torchvision -c pytorch

pip install mmcv-full

git clone

pip install -r requirements/build.txt

pip install -v -e . # or "python develop"


Probabilistic two-stage detection


