Simple API made with Python FastAPI

WIP: Deploy in AWS with Terraform

Simple API written in Python using FastAPI to store and retrieve Books and Authors.


This app is intended to run at minimun Python version 3.6.
Extra requirements can be seen in requirements.txt file.

Database Customization

It is possible to customize the application to use SQLite or MySQL.

By default, the application uses SQLite and stores the database in the root folder.

To customize the PATH for the SQLite database set the environment variable DB_PATH to the absolute path of the database file.

Environment Variables usages as following:

ENV Default Value Description
DB_TYPE sqlite Database type, valid values are sqlite and mysql.
DB_PATH ./database.db Database absolute path for sqlite database only.
DB_HOST Database host address for mysql database only.
DB_PORT 3306 Database port for mysql database only.
DB_NAME books Database name for mysql database only.
DB_USER user Database user for connecting to mysql database only.
DB_PASS password Database password for connecting to mysql database only.


The default webpage is the swagger-ui running at the root path of the webserver (/).
You can also access the redoc-ui at the docs path of the webserver (/docs)



To deploy it locally its suggested to set up a venv.

Clone the repository:

$ git clone [email protected]:caiodelgadonew/book-pyapi.git

Create a Virtual Environment and source it:

$ python3 -m venv book-pyapi
$ source book-pyapi/bin/activate

After initializing your Virtual Environment install all dependencies

$ pip3 install -r app/requirements.txt

Execute uvicorn

$ uvicorn books.main:app --reload

Access at your browser.

Docker Container – SQLite

To run the application as a Docker Container you can use the provided docker-compose-sqlite.yml

Be sure to have docker and docker-compose installed before proceeding

Clone the repository:

$ git clone [email protected]:caiodelgadonew/book-pyapi.git

Run docker-compose up to create the environment:

$ docker-compose -f book-pyapi/docker-compose-sqlite.yml up

You can add -d to the docker-compose command to start detached

The database will be automatically populated through the API with two users and some books, if you dont want to populate the database comment the block database-init from docker-compose-sqlite.yml.

After the application healthcheck (30s) the database-init container will start and populate the database with some data.

Access the application at the address: http://<CONTAINER_HOST_IP>:9000

Docker Container – MySQL

To run the application as a Docker Container you can use the provided docker-compose.yml

Be sure to have docker and docker-compose installed before proceeding

Clone the repository:

$ git clone [email protected]:caiodelgadonew/book-pyapi.git

Run docker-compose up to create the environment:

$ docker-compose  up

You can add -d to the docker-compose command to start detached

The database will be automatically populated through the API with two users and some books, if you dont want to populate the database comment the block database-init from docker-compose.yml.

After the application healthcheck (30s) the database-init container will start and populate the database with some data.

Access the application at the address: http://<CONTAINER_HOST_IP>:9000

[WIP] Deploy in AWS with Terraform


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