
Our Implementation of a MiniMax algorithm with alpha beta pruning in the context of an in-class competition. Our Algorithm finished in first place.



Install a Go toolchain (version >= 1.11 to support go modules).

Go Server

All instructions can be found in the following link. All credits should be given to the github linked above.

To be noted that there are some issues/bugs but overall works well for testing. The official server is not made public and is, moreover, not available on Mac.

Usage of twilight:

  -columns int
    	total number of columns (default 10)
  -humans int
    	quantity of humans group (default 16)
  -map string
    	path to the map to load (or save if randomly generating)
  -monster int
    	quantity of monster in the start case (default 8)
    	use a randomly generated map
  -rows int
    	total number of rows (default 10)

Running the Code

creating the map

Create a random map by running the following code in the twilight folder:

go run . -rand

execute the code

Run the code by executing the following line of code:

  • PORT should be 5555
  • HOST should be localhost
  • NAME should be the name of your AI

Please note that 2 AIs should be launched for the server to run so either run you own AI and confront it with ours or run the AI twice.

Additional Information


A report describing our code can be found

The rule book can be found here


GitHub - shawn-lab-ml/VampiresVsWerewolves: Our Implementation of a MiniMax algorithm with alpha beta pruning in the context of an in-class competition. Our Algorithm finished in first place.
Our Implementation of a MiniMax algorithm with alpha beta pruning in the context of an in-class competition. Our Algorithm finished in first place. - GitHub - shawn-lab-ml/VampiresVsWerewolves: Our...