
VG-Scraper is a convinient program where you can find all the news articles instead of finding one yourself.

Installing [Linux]

Open a terminal with root permission

pip install bs4
pip install requests
git clone

Installing [Windows]

Open cmd with administrator privilliges

pip install bs4
pip install requests
go to:


You are allowed to fork the project/copy it but you have to give credits.


GitHub - zebzolino/VG-Scraper: VG-Scraper is a python program using the module called BeautifulSoup which allows anyone to scrape something off an website. This program lets you put in a number trough an input and a number is 1 news article.
VG-Scraper is a python program using the module called BeautifulSoup which allows anyone to scrape something off an website. This program lets you put in a number trough an input and a number is 1 ...