WaveGrad 2

WaveGrad 2: Iterative Refinement for Text-to-Speech Synthesis
Unofficial PyTorch+Lightning Implementation of Chen et al.(JHU, Google Brain), WaveGrad2.


Update: Enjoy our pre-trained model with Google Colab notebook!


  • More training for WaveGrad-Base setup
  • Checkpoint release for Base
  • WaveGrad-Large Decoder
  • Checkpoint release for Large
  • Inference by reduced sampling steps



The supported datasets are

  • LJSpeech: a single-speaker English dataset consists of 13100 short audio clips of a female speaker reading passages from 7 non-fiction books, approximately 24 hours in total.
  • AISHELL-3: a Mandarin TTS dataset with 218 male and female speakers, roughly 85 hours in total.
  • etc.

We take LJSpeech as an example hereafter.


  • Adjust preprocess.yaml, especially path section.

    corpus_path: '/DATA1/LJSpeech-1.1' # LJSpeech corpus path
    lexicon_path: 'lexicon/librispeech-lexicon.txt'
    raw_path: './raw_data/LJSpeech'
    preprocessed_path: './preprocessed_data/LJSpeech'

  • run prepare_align.py for some preparations.

    python prepare_align.py -c preprocess.yaml

  • Montreal Forced Aligner (MFA) is used to obtain the alignments between the utterances and the phoneme sequences. Alignments for the LJSpeech and AISHELL-3 datasets are provided here. You have to unzip the files in preprocessed_data/LJSpeech/TextGrid/.

  • After that, run preprocess.py.

    python preprocess.py -c preprocess.yaml

  • Alternately, you can align the corpus by yourself.

  • Download the official MFA package and run it to align the corpus.

    ./montreal-forced-aligner/bin/mfa_align raw_data/LJSpeech/ lexicon/librispeech-lexicon.txt english preprocessed_data/LJSpeech


./montreal-forced-aligner/bin/mfa_train_and_align raw_data/LJSpeech/ lexicon/librispeech-lexicon.txt preprocessed_data/LJSpeech
  • And then run preprocess.py.

    python preprocess.py -c preprocess.yaml


  • Adjust hparameter.yaml, especially train section.

    batch_size: 12 # Dependent on GPU memory size
    lr: 3e-4
    weight_decay: 1e-6
    rate: 0.05
    start: 25000
    end: 100000
    num_workers: 16 # Dependent on CPU cores
    gpus: 2 # number of GPUs
    dur: 1.0

  • If you want to train with other dataset, adjust data section in hparameter.yaml

    lang: 'eng'
    text_cleaners: ['english_cleaners'] # korean_cleaners, english_cleaners, chinese_cleaners
    speakers: ['LJSpeech']
    train_dir: 'preprocessed_data/LJSpeech'
    train_meta: 'train.txt' # relative path of metadata file from train_dir
    val_dir: 'preprocessed_data/LJSpeech'
    val_meta: 'val.txt' # relative path of metadata file from val_dir'
    lexicon_path: 'lexicon/librispeech-lexicon.txt'

  • run trainer.py

    python trainer.py

  • If you want to resume training from checkpoint, check parser.

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-r', '--resume_from', type =int,
    required = False, help = "Resume Checkpoint epoch number")
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--restart', action = "store_true",
    required = False, help = "Significant change occured, use this")
    parser.add_argument('-e', '--ema', action = "store_true",
    required = False, help = "Start from ema checkpoint")
    args = parser.parse_args()

  • During training, tensorboard logger is logging loss, spectrogram and audio.

    tensorboard --logdir=./tensorboard --bind_all


  • run inference.py

    python inference.py -c <checkpoint_path> --text <'text'>

We provide a Jupyter Notebook script to provide the code for inference and show some visualizations with resulting audio.

  • Colab notebook This notebook provides pre-trained weights for WaveGrad 2 and you can download it via url inside (Now only WaveGrad-Base decoder).

Checkpoint file for Large will be also released!

Large Decoder

We implemented WaveGrad-Large decoder for high MOS output.
Note: it could be different with google's implementation since number of parameters are different with paper's value.

  • To train with Large model you need to modify hparameter.yaml.

    is_large: True #if False, Base
    dilations: [[1,2,4,8],[1,2,4,8],[1,2,4,8],[1,2,4,8],[1,2,4,8]] #dilations for Large
    #dilations: [[1,2,4,8],[1,2,4,8],[1,2,4,8],[1,2,1,2],[1,2,1,2]] dilations for Base

  • Go back to Training section.


Since this repo is unofficial implementation and WaveGrad2 paper do not provide several details, a slight differences between paper could exist.
We listed modifications or arbitrary setups

  • Normal LSTM without ZoneOut is applied for encoder.
  • g2p_en is applied instead of Google's unknown G2P.
  • Trained with LJSpeech datasdet instead of Google's proprietary dataset.
    • Due to dataset replacement, output audio's sampling rate becomes 22.05kHz instead of 24kHz.
  • MT + SpecAug are not implemented.
  • WaveGrad decoder shares same issues from ivanvovk's WaveGrad implementation.
  • WaveGrad-Large decoder's architecture could be different with Google's implementation.
  • hyperparameters
    • train.batch_size: 12 for Base and train.batch_size: 6 for Large, Trained with 2 V100 (32GB) GPUs
    • train.adam.lr: 3e-4 and train.adam.weight_decay: 1e-6
    • train.decay learning rate decay is applied during training
    • train.loss_rate: 1 as total_loss = 1 * L1_loss + 1 * duration_loss
    • ddpm.ddpm_noise_schedule: torch.linspace(1e-6, 0.01, hparams.ddpm.max_step)
    • encoder.channel is reduced to 512 from 1024 or 2048
  • TODO things.


├── Dockerfile
├── README.md
├── dataloader.py
├── docs
│   ├── spec.png
│   ├── tb.png
│   └── tblogger.png
├── hparameter.yaml
├── inference.py
├── lexicon
│   ├── librispeech-lexicon.txt
│   └── pinyin-lexicon-r.txt
├── lightning_model.py
├── model
│   ├── base.py
│   ├── downsampling.py
│   ├── encoder.py
│   ├── gaussian_upsampling.py
│   ├── interpolation.py
│   ├── layers.py
│   ├── linear_modulation.py
│   ├── nn.py
│   ├── resampling.py
│   ├── upsampling.py
│   └── window.py
├── prepare_align.py
├── preprocess.py
├── preprocess.yaml
├── preprocessor
│   ├── ljspeech.py
│   └── preprocessor.py
├── text
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── cleaners.py
│   ├── cmudict.py
│   ├── numbers.py
│   └── symbols.py
├── trainer.py
├── utils
│   ├── mel.py
│   ├── stft.py
│   ├── tblogger.py
│   └── utils.py
└── wavegrad2_tester.ipynb


This code is implemented by

