Webshell client

A webshell client written in python.

Only works well for linux for the time being.


Because there are too many heavy webshells. Sometimes there are restrictions in the file upload and heavy webshells won't work. By having a simple webshell and emulating from the client you can have a full featured webshell by having a remote shell like:



  • Supports POST/GET requests
  • Supports token-password so that you can loosely protect from others performing requests on your webshell
  • Supports the tor service and the tor-control service
  • Perform requests behind tor
  • Renew IP using the tor-control service
  • Configuration file
  • Command history
  • File upload


To be documented

GitHub - tchar/webshell-client at pythonawesome.com
A web shell client written in python. Contribute to tchar/webshell-client development by creating an account on GitHub.