
A VQA Hi-Color video encoder for Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun and some other Westwood Studios’ games.


  • Encodes VQA video files that play in game
  • Compresses videos with batched K-means clustering using the scikit-learn library
  • Automatic scene cut detection
  • Written in Python and easily hackable

How to run it

Install Python 3.8. Then install the required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Now you can run the encoder with some test data:

python testdata/logo --audio testdata/bleeps_22050_pcm_s16le.raw -ar 22050 video.vqa

You should now see a video.vqa file in the working directory. You can view its contents for example by converting it to a lossless MPEG-4 video using a recent version of ffmpeg (version 5.0 or newer):

ffmpeg -i video.vqa -crf 0 video.mp4

Advanced use

Run python --help to see all the encoder parameters and their default values.

Convert video to an image sequence

Only PNG image sequences are supported. Use ffmpeg to convert and downscale your video to a bunch of PNG files:

ffmpeg -i inputvideo.mp4 -filter:v "scale=640:-1" "frames/frame%04d.png"

Now you should have files frames/frame0001.png, frames/frame0002.png and so on. Then you can run the encoder:

python frames video.vqa


Only PCM audio is supported. Convert your soundtrack beforehand:

ffmpeg video.mp4 -f s16le -c:a pcm_s16le -ar 44100 audio.raw

Then use it with --audio audio.raw and -ar 44100 command line arguments.


  • It’s slow. Roughly one second per 640×400 pixel frame.
  • Only PCM audio is supported.
  • Scene cut detection heuristics may produce too many keyframes.
  • Only tested on Windows 10.
  • Westwood LCW and VPRZ compression are done with fast & loose implementations resulting in larger files.
  • VQA videos with 8-bit palettes for Command & Conquer: Red Alert are not supported.


Run the test suite with

  • python by default it only runs two end-to-end integration tests,
  • all runs also unit tests and
  • visual shows encoder results visually.

Source code is formatted with the Black formatter’s default settings by running black . in the repository root.

See docs/ for an explanation of the core vector quantization concept.

Manual end-to-end test with the pickle decoder:

mkdir testoutput
python testdata/logo --audio testdata/bleeps_22050_pcm_s16le.raw -ar 22050 --encoder pickle logo.pickle
python logo.pickle testoutput

Then visually inspect the images in the testoutput/ directory.


Thanks to CCHyper, tomsons26, OmniBlade and UGordan for VQA file format info.
Header comparison image is a frame from Renegade X: Tiberian Sun X trailer by Totem Arts.
The rodents.png test file: (c) copyright 2008, Blender Foundation / and used under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.


GPLv3. See LICENSE file.