
An extremely simple package with a single utillity class used for gracefully handling POSIX shutdown signals.




Use pip to install this package straight from GitHub.

pip install git+


Simply initialize it like so.

from graceful_killer import GracefulKiller

gk = GracefulKiller()

Now you can check the boolean gk.exit variable to determine whether or not your program should exit.

For example, if I have a program with an infinite loop, I can keep checking the variable on each iteration.

while not gk.exit:
    # do stuff...

When a signal (SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGHUP) is sent to your program, the variable gk.exit will become True and the program will exit.

Don’t forget to get well acquainted with how signals are distributed in multithreaded and/or multiprocessing environments to make sure you handle exit conditions correctly.


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