#Baseline Models of FoCus Dataset

Environment Setting

We trained the models under the setting of torch==1.5.0, transformers==4.5.0, tensorboardX==2.1, etc.

Please see requirements.txt file for more information.


We put train, dev, test files of the dataset in the data folder.

As we propose new dataset in our paper, the entire dataset is not opened yet.

Instead of the full version, we attach a toy dataset of ours.

Training the models

Uncomment the command to start training the model in the train.sh file.

sh train.sh 


Uncomment the command in the test.sh file, to evaluate the model on the test-set.

sh test.sh


Uncomment the command of the inference.sh file, to generate utterances with the trained models.

sh inference.sh

Evaluate the submitted results from the leaderboard. Please specify the file name as an argument ‘file_name’. We made a fake result file and used it.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=? python evaluation_leaderboard.py

The submitted files should include 6 generated machine’s utterance per one dialog, and persona_pred with bool expression, knowledge_pred with integer (0-9) for each utterance.
The result files should follow the format below:

{"data": [{"persona_pred": [false, false, true, true, false], "knowledge_pred": 8, "machine_utt_0": ["It's the Museum of History and Industry, you love museum."], "dialog_ID": "JLG63YRTYNF3"}, {"persona_pred": [false, false, true, true, false], "knowledge_pred": 8, "machine_utt_1": ["It's the Museum of History and Industry, you love museum."], "dialog_ID": "JLG63YRTYNF3"}, {"persona_pred": [false, false, true, true, false], "knowledge_pred": 8, "machine_utt_2": ["It's the Museum of History and Industry, you love museum."], "dialog_ID": "JLG63YRTYNF3"}, {"persona_pred": [false, false, true, true, false], "knowledge_pred": 8, "machine_utt_3": ["It's the Museum of History and Industry, you love museum."], "dialog_ID": "JLG63YRTYNF3"}, {"persona_pred": [false, false, true, true, false], "knowledge_pred": 8, "machine_utt_4": ["It's the Museum of History and Industry, you love museum."], "dialog_ID": "JLG63YRTYNF3"}, {"persona_pred": [false, false, true, true, false], "knowledge_pred": 8, "machine_utt_5": ["It's the Museum of History and Industry, you love museum."], "dialog_ID": "JLG63YRTYNF3"}, ... ]}

(c) 2021 NCSOFT Corporation & Korea University. All rights reserved.


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