Docker Database Backup

Dockerized service to automatically backup all of your database containers.

Docker Image Tags:

Service Configuration

Configure the backup service by specifying environment variables:

Name Default Description
INTERVAL 3600 Amount of seconds to wait between each backup cycle. Set to 0 to make a one-time backup.
VERBOSE false Increased output
DUMP_UID -1 UID of dump files. -1 means default (docker executing user)
DUMP_GID -1 GID of dump files. -1 means default (docker executing user)
TZ UTC Time Zone for times in log messages
DOCKER_NETWORK_NAME database-backup Name of the internal network, that is used to connect to the database containers.
DOCKER_TARGET_NAME database-backup-target Name of the internal hostname, that is used to connect to the database containers.
HEALTHCHECKS_IO_URL (none) Base Url for integration

You can also define global default values for all container specific labels. Do this by prepending the label name by GLOBAL_. For example, to provide a default username, you can set a default value for jan-di.database-backup.username by specifying the environment variable GLOBAL_USERNAME. See next chapter for reference.

Database Configuration

Configure each database container by specifying labels. Every label must be prefixed by jan-di.database-backup.:

Name Default Description
enable false Enable backup for this container
type auto Specify type of database. Possible values: auto, mysql, mariadb, postgres. Auto tries to get the type from the image name (for specific well known images)
username root Login user
password (none) Login password
port auto Port (inside container). Possible values: auto or a valid port number. Auto gets the default port corresponding to the type.
dump_name (none) Overwrite the base name of the dump file. If not defined, the container name is used.
compress false Compress SQL Dump with gzip
compression_level 6 Gzip compression level (1-9)
encrypt false Encrypt SQL Dump with AES
encryption_key (none) Key/Passphrase used to encrypt


Example docker-compose.yml:

version: '3.8'

  db-backup: # backup service
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin
      - INTERVAL=600
      - GLOBAL_PASSWORD=secret-password
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

  database1: # well known database image
    image: mariadb:latest
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret-password
      - jan-di.database-backup.enable=true

  database2: # custom database image
    image: user/my-database:latest
      - DB_PASSWORD=secret-password
      - jan-di.database-backup.enable=true
      - jan-di.database-backup.type=postgres
      - jan-di.database-backup.password=other-password


GitHub - jan-di/docker-database-backup: Dockerized service to backup all running database containers
Dockerized service to backup all running database containers - GitHub - jan-di/docker-database-backup: Dockerized service to backup all running database containers