
Dank Memer Logo

Inspired by this repository. This is a WIP and there will be more functions added in the future.

What is Grank?

Cover image

Grank is a feature-rich script that automatically grinds Dank Memer for you.

Supported commands (more to be added in the future).

  • pls beg
  • pls dig
  • pls fish
  • pls hunt

Getting Started.

Setting up the environment.

  • Install Python (Grank has been tested on Python version 3.10.0 64-Bit). Make sure to have the Install Pip option ticked.
  • Download this repository by clicking this link.
  • Extract the files, and open a command prompt window in /src/.
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt

Getting your Discord token and channel ID.

To use Grank, you will have to provide your Discord token and a channel ID. Don’t worry – these details are never shared with anyone.

How do you get this information?

You are now ready to use the program. Run src/ to start the program. You do not have to be have Discord open to run the program, so you can have the program running in the background while you do other things!

Config file

The config.yml file is used to change the way the program runs.

commands category.

Values in the commands category tell the program whether or not to run certain commands.

Name Type Default Value
beg Boolean True
dig Boolean True
fish Boolean True
hunt Boolean True

cooldowns category.

Values in the cooldowns category tell the program the cooldowns between commands and the loop cooldown.

Name Type Default Value
commands Integer 1
loop Integer 41


This is a self-bot. Self-bots are against Discord’s TOS. Automation of Dank Memer commands also breaks Dank Memer’s rules. By using this program you acknowledge that I can take no responsibility for actions taken against you if you are caught.


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