Cloudflare R2 ImageBed

CF-R2-ImageBed is a image hosting service based on Cloudflare R2 object storage. R2 offers a free tier.

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The repo contains 3 parts:

  • A Worker that handles requests to upload files to R2 storage or get file from it.
  • A Python script that upload files to the worker from Typora.
  • A Page Function that can provide file in R2 bucket.

Currently Cloudflare Pages Functions don’t support R2 bucket binding, so the page function part is not finished. They promised to support it soon.

Basic knowledge

When you deploy a worker to Cloudflare, they host it at domain <worker name>.<worker subdomain>. In my case, it’s

Key is a string to distinguish object in R2. We use the path name as key. For example, PUT will put the file with key foo/bar.png.

If the upload succeed, the worker will send the URL which you can access the file. It will be <ROOT_URL><key>.



You should:

  • Have a Cloudflare Workers account
  • Enable R2 for your Cloudflare account and create a bucket
  • Install Python3 and pip on your computer

Also, prepare the following secrets

Deploy the worker

Firstly, fork this repo.

You may want to change these in the source code:

  • ALLOW_PATHS in the first line of worker/src/handler.ts. A path that doesn’t match any of the ALLOW_PATHS will be rejected.
  • name = "upload-blog" in worker/wrangler.toml . It tells Cloudflare to deploy the worker to upload-blog.<your worker subdomain> . You can change it.

In the new repo, create these secrets:

  • BUCKET_NAME : the name of the R2 bucket you create in Pre-requisites.
  • CF_API_TOKEN : the Cloudflare API token with Edit Cloudflare Workers permissions.
  • CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID : your Cloudflare account ID, can be found in your workers dashboard.
  • ROOT_URL : the root of URL that you want to use to access the file you upload. You can just put the URL that you deploy your worker to, like https://upload-blog.<your worker subdomain>/. Don’t miss the / at the end.
  • UPLOAD_SECRET : something like a password to avoid someone upload file to you bucket. You can use any string you like.

Then run the workflow deploy. You may need to enable actions for the repo first.

Use the python script

Enter the uploader folder.

Rename the example.env to .env , then fill in these fields:

  • UPLOAD_SECRET : must be exactly the same as the UPLOAD_SECRET you set when you deploy the worker.
  • REMOTE_URL : the URL you deploy your worker. For example,

pip install -r requirements.txt to install requirements.

Then set the Typora upload command to python <path to>. If you set proxy environment variables, the script will use them.

use in WSL

You may install python in wsl while running Typora in Windows.

In this case, the upload command is wsl python <path to in wsl> --wsl.

If you have a proxy in windows and want to use it in WSL, use wsl python <path to in wsl> --wsl --wsl-proxy-port <port>. It will use http://windowsip:<port> as proxy.

We use the nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf to get the IP of the windows machine. If you change it manually, the script may not work.

Other upload script

If you write a script in other languages or based on other Markdown editors, feel free to open a pull request. You can take mine as an example.

Provides the files from Cloudflare Pages

Cloudflare Pages Functions allow running workers when someone access specified URL in your page.

Currently Cloudflare Pages Functions don’t support R2 bucket binding, so the page function part is not finished. They promised to support it soon.


  • Finish Page Function. (Waiting for Cloudflare to support R2 binding in Pages Functions)
  • Support Typora image upload in python script.
  • Check if there is object using the same key in bucket before putting it.


Cloudflare is a trademark owned by Cloudflare, Inc.

Cloudflare does not have any involvement in the project and did not review or approve of this project.


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