?️ dash-toolsEasily Create and Deploy your Plotly Dash Apps from CLI (V0.6)

Create a templated multi-page Plotly Dash app with CLI in less than 7 seconds.

Deploy your app to Heroku in under a minute!


dash-tools is an open-source toolchain for Plotly Dash Framework. With a user-friendly command line interface, creating Dash applications has never been quicker.

Includes user and developer-friendly app templates where generating a new app only takes seconds. In fact, it will take longer to install this tool than it will to use it!

Want to deploy your app to the web? We’ve got you covered. With Heroku support, deploying your project will take under a minute.


Ready to use dash-tools? Installation is easy with pip:

pip install dash-tools

Find dash-tools on PyPi

Usage Examples

Below are common usage examples. See Commands section for more details.

Creating New Projects

Creating a new Dash project is very simple. The following command will create a new directory called “MyDashApp” from where the command is invoked:

# Create the app "MyDashApp"
dash-tools --init MyDashApp

# Check out your new project!
cd MyDashApp/

Using Templates

Templates offer different project styles and include different boilerplate code samples. Creating a new app with templates is easy, just use the optional template argument after –init. If you do not specify a template, ‘default‘ will be used. See the Templates section below for more details.

# Create a new Dash app called "MyWonderfulApp" using 'minimal' template
dash-tools --init MyWonderfulApp minimal

To list out available templates, use the --templates command:

# Display available templates
dash-tools --templates

>>> dash-tools: templates: List of available templates:
>>>   default
>>>   minimal
>>>   heroku

Deploying with Heroku

To create a project and deploy to Heroku, it is quite simple. You can even create a project using the ‘heroku‘ template which includes Procfile, requirements.txt, and runtime.txt.

Using the --deploy-heroku command in the project root directory will look for the above files. The directory needs to be a git repository. The Heroku CLI must also be installed.

The command takes one argument for the project name, which may only contain lowercase, alphanumeric characters and dashes. It must be unique and not already on Heroku. The process will create a new git remote called ‘heroku’ with the heroku remote url to push/deploy all project code, and will return a URL of your deployed project with the project name you chose, such as https://your-unique-app-name.herokuapp.com/.

# Create a new app "MyGreatHerokuApp" with the 'heroku' template
dash-tools --init MyGreatHerokuApp heroku

# Change current directory to your new project root directory
cd MyGreatHerokuApp/

# Using the following command will start the deploy process
# Follow the instructions in the console to deploy your app
dash-tools --deploy-heroku your-unique-app-name

And that’s really it! A new heroku app and git remote will be created, and all project code will be deployed.


Listed below are available project templates. Please see the above examples on how to use templates.

  • default – the default multi-page template. Includes examples of ClientsideCallbacks, multi-page routing, external stylesheets, header, footer, and 404 page.
  • minimal – for the minimalists. Not much here but the bare bones.
  • heroku – Build for deployment with Heroku. Includes necessary deploy files. Built on the minimal template.

If you would like to develop templates, please read the Creating Templates section below.


Project Commands

  • --deploy-heroku Args: REQUIRED (unique heroku project name) : Deploys the project to Heroku using the Heroku CLI (Must Install Seperately) and Git. Invoke from the project root directory.
  • --init, -i Args: REQUIRED (project name) OPTIONAL (template) : Creates a Plotly Dash app with the given name in the current working directory. Optional args specified can be used for templates.
  • --templates, -t : List available templates.


  • --help, -h: Display CLI helpful hints
  • --version: Display current version.


Creating Templates

  1. Templates are found here: dash_tools/templating/templates/<Template Name>. When a user uses CLI to choose a template with the name <Template Name> the template will be copied to their system.

  2. Adding a new template to the templates directory requires adding the new template to the Enum list in templating.Templates Enum. Template name must match Enum value, eg.

    class Templates(Enum):
       DEFAULT = 'default'
       MINIMAL = 'minimal'
       NEWTEMPLATE = 'newtemplate'
  3. Any file names or files containing the strings {appName} or {createTime} will be formatted with the given app name and creation time. Eg. README.md.template: # Created on {createTime} will copy to the user’s filesystem as README.md: # Created on 2022-03-30 22:06:07

  4. All template files must end in .template


MIT License. See LICENSE.txt file.


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