
Simple API for ranked-choice voting in an election.

Ranked-choice Voting is a Flask app that serves API endpoints for a ranked-choice voting, supporting both creation of elections, retrieval of results and casting of votes using HTTP requests.

How does Ranked-Choice Voting Work?

graph TD
    A[Each voter ranks all candidates in order of preference] --> |Round r = 1 begins| B[Tally all first choices of all voters]
    B --> C{Does first choice have<br>simple majority?}
    C --> |Yes| D[First choice wins]
    C --> |No| E{Do all candidates share<br>the highest tallied vote?}
    E --> |No| F[Remove candidate with least votes]
    E --> |Tie-breaker needed| H["For each candidate ranked by a voter,<br>give them a score of (number of candidates - position on voter's list)"]
    H --> I["Tally aggregated scores of each candidate<br>and find the highest scoring candidate(s)"]
    I --> J{Do multiple candidates share<br>the same highest score?}
    J --> |Yes| K[Return any of the highest scoring candidates]
    J --> |No| L[Highest scoring candidate wins]
    F --> G[Move votes of supporters of the eliminated candidate<br>to their second choice candidate]
    G --> |Round r = r + 1 begins| B

If the above flowchart does not render, visit this link to view the flowchart. You can also view it here.

How to use ranked-choice-voting-api

Create an Election

Creation of elections is performed by sending either a GET or POST request.


A GET request is the quickest way to setup a ranked-choice election, but offers no customization options since all fields take their default values. Create an election by appending a / separated list of candidates to the /add endpoint.

curl --location --request GET 'https://ranked-voter.herokuapp.com/add/pancakes/waffles/ice-cream'


You can also create an election by sending a POST request. This is the most flexible way to create an election, but requires you to specify the fields you wish to customize.

The request body is a JSON object with the following fields:

    "election_id": {OPTIONAL} A custom ID for the election. If not provided, a random ID will be generated.
    "election_name": {OPTIONAL} The name of your election
    "start_time": {OPTIONAL} when does the election start?
    "end_time": {OPTIONAL} when does the election end?
    "description": {OPTIONAL} A short description of your election
    "anonymous": {OPTIONAL} true or false, whether the votes should be anonymous
    "update_votes": {OPTIONAL} true or false, whether a voter can update or remove their votes
    "allow_ties": {OPTIONAL} true or false, whether ties are allowed in the election
    "candidates": ["candidate-1", "candidate-2", ...]

An example is provided below:

curl --location --request POST 'https://ranked-voter.herokuapp.com/add' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "election_name": "Food ranking",
    "description": "Rank your favourite foods!",
    "candidates": ["pancakes", "ice-cream", "waffles"],
    "anonymous": true

Once you create an election, you will be shown the ELECTION_ID. Remember to use this ID when casting your votes and to access results.

Retrieve Results

You can view your election results by sending a GET request to the /ELECTION_ID endpoint.

An example is provided below:

curl --location --request GET 'https://ranked-voter.herokuapp.com/ELECTION_ID'

Remove an Election

You can remove an election by sending a GET request to the /vote/ELECTION_ID endpoint. Note that this action is irreversible and can only be performed by the person who created the election.

curl --location --request GET 'https://ranked-voter.herokuapp.com/remove/ELECTION_ID'

Cast your votes

You can cast your votes by sending a GET request to the vote/ELECTION_ID endpoint. Append the URL with the ordered candidates, separated with a /. Remember to include all the candidates since this is a ranked-choice voting.

An example is provided below:

curl --location --request GET 'https://ranked-voter.herokuapp.com/vote/ELECTION_ID/pancakes/icecream/waffles'

Remove your vote

You can remove your vote by sending a GET request to the /unvote/ELECTION_ID endpoint. Note that this action will remove only your vote, not all votes.

curl --location --request GET 'https://ranked-voter.herokuapp.com/unvote/ELECTION_ID'

How to setup the app

Using Docker-Compose

The easiest way to setup the app is to use Docker-Compose. Navigate to the docker/ directory and run the following command:

docker-compose --project-name ranked-choice-voting up -d

Using a Python Environment

Alternatively, you can also use the following commands to setup the app:

  1. Create a new Python3 environment and activate it

    virutalenv ranked-choice-voting-api
    source ranked-choice-voting-api/bin/activate
  2. Install the requirements

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Modify the .env file and add your database connection URL. For example, if you have setup PostgreSQL locally, you can use the following:

  4. Run the app

    python3 app/app.py


Who can see my election?

Anyone you wish to share the election_id with can view your election and cast their votes. Additionally, if the anonymous field is set to False, then anyone with the election_id can view your election results as well. Otherwise, only the person who created the election can view the results.

How does the app track different users?

The app uses IP addresses to track different users. This is used to map a user to their vote, and is used to update votes (or prevent multiple votes). Everytime you create an election or add a vote, your IP address is recorded and used to identify you.

Can I update my vote?

This behaviour depends on the update_votes field. If this field is set to True, then you can update or remove your vote from the election.

Can I update my election details?

This currently is not supported. If you would like to update your election details, please contact the administrators.

What data is being collected from me?

No data is being collected from you, except for your IP address. This is used to identify you and to prevent multiple votes.

Can the API be linked with an automated system like a bot?

No, the API cannot be completely linked with a bot. This is because the API uses IP addresses to identify users. If a bot sends requests to the API, it will always be treated as the same user (with the bot’s IP address), and hence there will always be one voter, regardless of the number of people casting the vote thorugh the bot.

However, the bot can be used to create elections, view election results, and construct a URL for a user to click and vote.


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