SysBindings Daemon

Little toolkit for control the sysctl/sysfs bindings on Kubernetes Cluster on the fly
and without unnecessary restarts of cluster or node pool. Allows to control managed
and/or own-architected and/or own-managed clusters because uses only well-known


See sysbindings --help for details:

usage: sysbindings [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--oneshot] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL]

Little toolkit for control the sysctl/sysfs bindings on Kubernetes Cluster on the flyand
without unnecessary restarts of cluster or node pool. Allows to control managed and/or
own-architected and/or own-managed clusters because uses only well-knowntehniques.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG      use specified configuration file
  --oneshot            just apply configuration and exit, no daemonize
  --loglevel LOGLEVEL  log verbosity: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or ERROR


See detailed example in the sysbindings.yaml file.


Use this environment variables for configuring script:


See details in the sysbindings.yaml file.

Arguments Priority

CLI arguments have maximal priority, ENVs is secondary and config entries
just final.

Helm chart

See details about values in the helm directory.


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