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TON smart contract command line interface


Not working, in active development

Installation and Configuration

  1. Compile fift, func, lite-client from ton and add them to PATH env
    or move to /usr/bin, docs can be founded here

    1. For Arch Linux we have AUR package of ton
  2. pip install tncli

Now you can access CLI tool by typing in terminal tncli

Usage example

tncli start wallet -n my-wallet
cd my-wallet
tncli deploy

Contributor Guide

Interested in contributing? Feel free to create issues and pull requests.

There is two main tasks and many TODOs.

Main tasks are – not to use lite-client / fift / func. All can be done with python.

There is many TODOs in code – feel free to fix them and create PRs

Features and status

Feature Status
fift / func / lite-server usage
Easy bootstrap project samples wallet
Deploy-wallet for auto send TON to contracts and tests
Add more project samples with advanced usage
Compile func to build/ from func/ with files.yaml
Get contract address by tncli address
Auto send TON to init contract address
Deploy to mainnet / testnet
Project interact after deploy: easily send messages, run getmethods
Gas auto calculation for store & deploy
Load from hard project structure (example: src/projects/wallet)
Project tests with runvmcode
Project debug
Library support
Init Message support (with signature)
Run remote contracts locally (get cells from chain and run locally to get error / debug / etc.)
Docs for contract creation for beginners
Advanced user-friendly docs on fift, func


All commands could be fined in docs/


Config folder will create on first deploy, all fift / func libs will copy to it, also deploy wallet contract will be

Deploy process (how it’s actually work)

  1. Check network (testnet, mainnet) configuration locally (in config user folder)
    1. If no config found – download from URL in config.ini
  2. Check deploy wallet locally (in config user folder)
    1. If it’s first time – simple wallet will be created in config folder
    2. Message with wallet address and tips will be displayed (user need to send some TON coin on it)
    3. If there is no TON in deploy contract – script will exit and notify user to update deployer balance
  3. Will run tests on fift/data.fif / fift/message.fif (if exist) / fift/lib.fif (if exist) before creating deploy

    1. This will check all files are correct
    2. Also, you can run custom logic – for example create keys in build/
  4. Will calculate address of contract and display it to user
  5. Will send money from deploy wallet
  6. Will deploy your contract
    1. External message will
      be created
    2. Boc will generated
    3. Will invoke sendfile in lite-client (TODO: use native python lib, not lite-client)


git clone [email protected]:disintar/tncli.git
cd tncli && pip install -e .


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