
Zap Installing Firefox
Looking for the older Zap v1 (Python) implementation? Head over to v1 branch.

Getting Started ✨

For system-wide installation (needs sudo)

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/zap
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/zap
zap --help

For local installation, (requires ~/.local/bin to be on $PATH)

mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
wget -O ~/.local/bin/zap
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/zap
zap --help
NOTE: Replace amd64 with your machine architecture. Supported architectures are listed in the release page

Installing AppImages

All AppImages from the AppImage Catalog and AppImage catalog v2 can be installed using zap with their registered name.

zap install element

will ask you the version of element you would like to install + download them and do all the hard work of integrating into your system,
i.e creating desktop files, etc.

You can also install appimages from GitHub releases

zap install --github --from vscodium/vscodium

will put some options which will let you choose the best version for your system.

It is also possible to install AppImage from URLs

zap install --from

To integrate a locally downloaded AppImage,

zap install libresprite ~/Downloads/Libresprite-x86_64.AppImage

... or using the file:// protocol

zap install --from file:///home/username/Downloads/My_Super_Cool-x86_64.AppImage name_of_the_app_here

here, name_of_the_app_here specifies the name of the application. This name will be used
as a unique identification of the AppImage, by zap, in its internal database.

Updating AppImages ?

AppImages can be optionally, automatically updated using the zapd, but to achieve this manually, you need to

zap update firefox

This will make use of the update information embedded within the appimage, which if exists, will be used to 'delta-update' the latest
version, by downloading "only" the parts which have changed.

For those AppImages not supporting delta updates, you can still do

zap install zoom

to install the latest version of Zoom.

Upgrade ?

zap also supports updating all the apps together using appimage-update.

zap upgrade

Configuration ⚙️

It is possible to interactively configure zap. All you need to do is

zap init

And answer all the questions that would follow.

Daemon ?

zapd is a Zap AppImage daemon which periodically checks for updates.

zap daemon --install

This will install a systemd service in the local (user) level, which will spawn zap daemon which auto-updates
the AppImages.

To run the daemon (sync), do

zap daemon
GitHub - srevinsaju/zap: Delightful AppImage package manager
:zap: Delightful AppImage package manager. Contribute to srevinsaju/zap development by creating an account on GitHub.