
100 Days of Code – The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022.
In this course, I spend with python language over 100 days, and I update this README file with what I learned on day-to-day basis.

Day 1: Today I learned about Printing, Commenting,
Debugging, String Manipulation, and Variables. By the end of today, I created Band Name Generator

Day 2: Today I learned about Data Types, Numbers,
Operations, Type Conversion, and f-Strings. By the end of today, I created a Tip Calculator

Day 3: Today I learned about Conditional Statements,
Logical Operators, Code Blocks, Scope, and Global & Local Namespacing. By the end of today, I created a Treasure Island Game

Day 4: Today I learned about Randomisation in Python and Python Lists.
By the end of today, I created a Rock Paper Scissor Game

Day 5: Today I learned about For Loops, Range, and Code Blocks.
By the end of today, I created a Password Generator

Day 6: Today I learned about Functions, Code Blocks
Indentation, and While Loops. By the end of today, I solved Reeborg Maze Challenge.
To see the challenge Click Here.

Day 7: Today I build a Project. It’s a game called
Hangman Game.

Day 8: Today I learned about Functions with Inputs.
By the end of today, I created a Caesar Cipher
Project which Encrypt and Decrypt a message.

Day 9: Today I learned about Dictionaries & Nesting.
By the end of today, I created a Silent Auction
Project which allows to bid silently.

Day 10: Today I learned about Functions with Outputs.
By the end of today, I created a Calculator App

Day 11: Today I apply all the things which I learned previous 10 Days.
Today I create a Black Jack Game

Day 12: Today I learned about Local and Global Scopes.
By the end of today, I created a Guessing Game

Day 13: Today I learned about Debugging.
It’s all about how to find the Bug and how to fix it.

Day 14: Today I spend building a game called
Higher Lower Game.

Day 15: Today I spend building a
Coffee Machine Code.


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