
This is a kivy app that can generate any julia set image based off a given expression. It uses sympy and numba Cuda to interpret the expression into images and then displays them in the app.

it needs https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads if to you want to make use of a cuda(Nvidia) gpu. the gpu will take ~1 seconds to create an image the cpu will take ~60 seconds to create an image these times are very dependent on the amount of cores, speed, etc of cpu and gpu

compatible color maps can be found at https://matplotlib.org/3.5.0/tutorials/colors/colormaps.html

examples to try: 1 – x**2 + x**2 / (2 + 4 * x) + 0.7885 1 – x + x**2 + 0.6*1j x**3/(x-1) + x**2/(x**3 + 4 *x**2 + 5) + 0.1185 – 0.551*1j x**4 + x**3/(x-1) + x**2/(x**3 + 4 *x**2 + 5) + 0.255534*cos(1) + 0.822292*1j*cos(0) – 2*0.737292*1j 2**x + 0.085877 + 0.211764*1j x**2 + 0.45534-0.337292*1j x**4 + x**3 / (x – 1) + x**2 / (x**3 + 4 * x**2 + 5) – 0.375646 * 1j + 0.377767 x**2 + 2.3*.01 – 2.3*.3*1j 2**x + 0.9 – 0.8*1j x**x + 0.03 2**x -x**2+0.71 – 0.49*1j



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