
Cookies is a project inspired by python cookiecutter but used for terraform generation.

How to run your terraform

After you download your terraform unzip the folder. You then need to go into the main folder:

cd <terraform>/main

After that you can run terraform init. This step will ask you for your aws keys:

terraform init --var-file=../terraform.tfvars

And finally terraform plan to see what resources will be created

terraform plan --var-file=../terraform.tfvars

Once it all looks good you can run terraform apply to create your infra!

terraform apply --var-file=../terraform.tfvars

How to deploy your container app

  • Instructions coming soon

How to deploy your web app

  • instructions coming soon

How to deploy your lambda app

  • instructions coming soon
GitHub - diggerhq/cookies: Terraform cookiecutter by digger
Terraform cookiecutter by digger. Contribute to diggerhq/cookies development by creating an account on GitHub.