
A simplistic bot designed to streamline your server experience.

Design Ideas

  • Seperate commands into submodules
  • Nothing too fancy -> Descriptive commands, recurring command structure, embeds responses only if not possible otherwise


This bot is currently in development and probably won’t work fine just now.
Try at your own risk!


Restrictions (by Discord)

  • An app can have up to 50 top-level global commands (50 commands with unique names)
  • An app can have up to an additional 50 guild commands per guild
  • An app can have up to 10 subcommand groups on a top-level command
  • An app can have up to 10 subcommands within a subcommand group
  • Choices can have up to 10 values per option
  • Commands can have up to 10 options per command

Limitations on command names

Limitations on nesting subcommands and groups

Command Structure


base # base
|__ reload_extension # command
-> Reloads an extension by name.
|__ purge_application_commands # command
-> Purge all slashCommands for this application.


admin # extension
|__ bot # command (prefixCommand slashCommand)
    |__ restart # subcommand (prefixCommand) (bot owner only)
    -> Restarts the bot.
    |__ shutdown # subcommand (prefixCommand) (bot owner only)
    -> Shuts down the bot.
    |__ ping # subcommand (slashCommand)
    -> Lets the bot ping Discord and prints the Ping to the current channel.
|__ admin # command (prefixCommand)
    |__ kick # subcommand (prefixCommand) (KICK_MEMBERS only)
    -> Kicks a specified user.
    |__ ban # subcommand (prefixCommand) (BAN_MEMBERS only)
    -> Kicks a specified user.
    |__ unban # subcommand (prefixCommand) (BAN_MEMBERS only)
    -> Kicks a specified user.
|__ server # command (prefixCommand)
    |__ announce # subcommand (prefixCommand) (ADMINISTRATOR only)
    -> Takes an Embed as Webhook embed json as text and sends it to the announcement channel.
    |__ clear # subcommand (prefixCommand) (MANAGE_MESSAGES only)
    -> Purges the current channel by 1 message, unless specified otherwise (Admin only).


dice # extension
|__ dice # command (prefixCommand, slashCommand)
    |__ roll # subcommand (prefixCommand, slashCommand)
    -> Throws dice eg.: 3d6
    |__ hroll # subcommand (prefixCommand)
    -> Throws dice eg.: 3d6, responds with epemeral message

Should we allow prefixCommand here?


experience # extension
|__ experience # command (prefixCommand, slashCommand)
    |__ xp # subcommand (slashCommand)
    -> Prints the current stats of the user.
    |__ leaderboard # subcommand (slashCommand)
    -> Print the top-ten members of the guild and the users relation to them.
    |__ updateUser # subcommand (prefixCommand) (ADMINISTRATOR only)
    -> Overwrites the data of a given user in the database, or creates new if not present.

Will later receive an update with role/permission changes based on level of members.


misc # extension
|__ misc # command
    |__ datecounter # subcommand (slashCommand)
    -> Prints the number of days from or to a given date.
    |__ echo # subcommand (slashCommand)
    -> Echos text as Embed title.
    |__ embed # subcommand (slashCommand)
    -> Echos text as Embed.
    |__ fibonacci # subcommand (slashCommand)
    -> Prints the n-Fibonacci number.
    |__ reverse # subcommand (slashCommand)
    -> Reverses the letter order of the text given and print it.


voice # extension
|__ setCategoryId # command (prefixCommand) (ADMINISTRATOR only)
-> Sets the category id of the Category for temporary voicechannel to be created in.
|__ setChannelId # command (prefixCommand) (ADMINISTRATOR only)
-> Sets the channel id of the channel to listen to for user join.
|__ voice # command
    |__ claim # subcommand (slashCommand)
    -> Lets the user claim the current channel.
    |__ limit # subcommand (slashCommand)
    -> Lets the user limit the number of member in their channel.
    |__ lock # subcommand (slashCommand)
    -> Locks the users channel.
    |__ name # subcommand (slashCommand)
    -> Changes the channelname of the users channel.
    |__ permit # subcommand (slashCommand)
    -> Permits a given user to join the users channel, even if it's locked.
    |__ reject # subcommand (slashCommand)
    -> Revokes the permission given to a user to join the users channel.
    |__ unlock # subcommand (slashCommand)
    -> Unlocks the users channel.
    |__ bitrate # subcommand (slashCommand)
    -> Changes the users channels bitrate.


wolfram # extension
|__ wolfram # command
    |__ ask # subcommand (prefixCommand, slashCommand)
    -> Send a Wolframalpha query.

Should we allow prefixCommand here?

Running the bot

Run the bot:
docker-compose up -d

View the current logs:
docker-compose logs -f

Stop the bot:
docker-compose down

Debugging commands

Connect to Postgres (Yggdrasil DB):
docker exec -it PostgreSQL psql -U postgres yggdrasil

Backup Postgres (Yggdrasil DB):
docker exec -it postgres pg_dump -U postgres yggdrasil > outfile


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