django CMS

Open source enterprise content management system based on the Django framework.

To propose significant new features, open pull requests based on and made against the develop branch. It's the branch for features that will go into the next django CMS feature release.

To propose fixes and backwards-compatible improvements, please work on the latest release branch. This is the branch that will become the next PyPI release ("the next version of django CMS").

Security fixes will be backported to older branches by the core team as appropriate.


  • hierarchical pages
  • extensive built-in support for multilingual websites
  • multi-site support
  • draft/publish workflows
  • version control
  • a sophisticated publishing architecture, that's also usable in your own applications
  • frontend content editing
  • a hierarchical content structure for nested plugins
  • an extensible navigation system that your own applications can hook into
  • SEO-friendly URLs
  • designed to integrate thoroughly into other applications

Developing applications that integrate with and take advantage of django CMS features is easy and well-documented.

Quick Start

You can use the django CMS installer <>_::

$ pip install --upgrade virtualenv
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
(env) $ pip install djangocms-installer
(env) $ mkdir myproject && cd myproject
(env) $ djangocms -f -p . my_demo
(env) $ python
