Convert PDF to AudioBook and Audio Speech to PDF using Python In this Python project, we will build a GUI-based PDF to Audio and Audio to PDF converter using the Tkinter, OS, path, pyttsx3, SpeechRecognition, PyPDF4, and Pydub libraries and the messagebox module of the Tkinter library. It is an intermediate level project, and you will be able to apply the concepts you have learnt in real life. Let’s get started!?

About PDF to Audio converters: PDF to Audio Converters are able to convert the PDF text to speech.

In this project, we will convert any one page of the PDF to speech that you will be able to hear almost instantaneously.

About Audio to PDF converters: Audio to PDF converters convert an audio file to text, which is added to an already-existing PDF or a non-existing PDF.

In this project, we will ask you for an audio file that we will transcribe to text that will be added to a PDF file. This will be speech to text conversion.

About the project: The objective of this project is to create a GUI based PDF text to Audio and Audio to PDF converter. To build this, you will need intermediate understanding of Tkinter, OS, path, SpeechRecognition and PyPDF4 libraries and basic understanding of the Pydub and pyttsx3 libraries and messagebox module.

Project Prerequisites: To build this project, we will need the following libraries:

  1. Tkinter – To make the GUI
  2. os.path – To get the file name (with extension)
  3. PyPDF4.pdf: a. PdfFileReader – To read text from the PDF. b. PdfFileWriter – To add a new page in the PDF where text can be added.
  4. pyttsx3 – To speak the text using the machine’s speakers in an automated voice.
  5. SpeechRecognition – To transcribe the speech in the audio file.
  6. path: a. Path – To convert a string to the path to a file.
  7. pydub – To manipulate an audio file.


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In this Python project, we will build a GUI-based PDF to Audio and Audio to PDF converter using the Tkinter, OS, path, pyttsx3, SpeechRecognition, PyPDF4, and Pydub libraries and the messagebox mod...