
Have your calendar appear as the wallpaper.


Use at your own risk. Don’t blame me if you miss a meeting ?

Some parts of the scripts were bogged togather from various examples online. Please report problems using GITHUBs issue tracking system. Additionally please let me know if there are some feature requests.


The scripts in this repository depend on the following programs being available:

calendar files

The example calendar file cal_example contains a description of the syntax togather with a couple of examples.

I suggest copying this file to cal and editing it to add your events. All the scripts described below need the file cal to be available.

bash scripts

Configuration options are available in CONFIGURATION sections of each script.

CAREFUL: the first thing you might want to change is the FONT in wallPipe. By default it is "DejaVu-Sans-Mono" because it has box drawing characters. The font should be mono spaced. To list all fonts available run:

$convert -list font




or with the PATH variable set appropriately (using a symbolic link wont work because the scripts look for files relative to their location):


Scan for the day’s events using the calendar file cal. A description of the syntax for calendar events is described at the beginning of this file.

The script shows:

  • a timetable
  • list of important events from the following seven days
  • a todo list

on the wallpaper using feh.




Scan seven days, starting with the current day, for the day’s events using the calendar file cal. A description of the syntax for calendar events is described at the beginning of this file.

The script shows:

  • a timetable for each day

on the wallpaper using feh.

This can be a little cluttered but the events are readable on a screen with a reasonable resolution:



$ls | ./wallWeek

Takes stdin and shows the text on the wallpaper using feh.

python scripts

Configuration available in betterCal.config but I suggest not modifying this file.


Simple calendar application, uses the betterCal.py module. Help and information is available using:

$./betterCalendar -h

