
GitHub release

Home Assistant component to handle key atom, a Linky-compatible device made by Total/Direct-Energie.


Either use HACS (default), either manual

HACS (Home Assistant Community Store) [under request]

  1. Go to HACS page on your Home Assistant instance
  2. Select integration
  3. Press add icon and search for worldtidesinfocustom
  4. Select worldtidesinfocustom and install


Manual Procedure
  1. Download the folder keyatome from the latest release (with right click, save
    link as)
  2. Place the downloaded directory on your Home Assistant machine in the config/custom_components folder (when there is no custom_components folder in the
    folder where your configuration.yaml file is, create it and place the directory there)
  3. restart HomeAssistant

Using the component

in configuration.yaml, declare :

Example of YAML

##configuration.yaml example
  - platform: keyatome

Check that atome of HomeAssistant is not activated (i.e. declared in configuration.yaml) to avoid too many request on Atome Server and conflict name for sensors name

Breaking changes

The first version reprensents the Atom component in Home Assistant 2021.12.4 (@baqs)
This library is a fork of this in order to implement new feature.

For release V0.0.1 and V1.0.0 : the name of sensor are sensor.key_atome_xxx

Since release V2.0.0 : the name of sensor are sensor.atome_xxx (like HA atome component)


  • Thanks to the 1rst implementation performed by BaQs for Home Assistant.
  • This project is a fork of atome components in HA


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