Telegram VCPlayer Bot

Play any song directly into your group voice chat.


  1. Telegram Api Id and Hash [ Get it from ]
  2. A Telegram Bot Token. Get it from @botfather.
  3. Python 3.6+
  4. ffmpeg
  5. [ Optional ] Mongo DB [ Create free account from mongo website and get your connection string. ]

Deploying To Heroku

  1. Get your telegram API ID and API HASH from and the BOT TOKEN from @botfather.
  2. Generate your telegram session string using the Run on Repl button below (Click on run after opening the url below) or use the file.
  • Run on
  1. Clcik on the Deploy to Heroku button below. Fill in the required fields on the website that opens.
  • Deploy
  1. Add the bot to your group and send the commands to start using the VCPlayer Bot :)

Steps To Setup

  1. Install pyrogram for generatong session string : pip3 install -U pyrogram
  2. Generate your telegram session string. Run python3
  3. Rename .env copy to .env and fill all the required/mandatory fields in there.
  4. [ Optional ] In Mongo DB a database named sktechhub will be created with the collections tgcalls_chats , tgcalls_playbacks , tgcalls_users ( if not present then create them manually).

Steps to Run

  1. After the setup is done.
  2. Install ffmpeg : sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
  3. Install the requirements : pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
  4. Run the service by :
  • Run python3 --help for available settings.
  • Or Run python3 -env prod to use default settings


Command Description
/start , /help Lists the available commands.
/play song_name Starts the song in the voice chat.
/skip Skips the current song.
/stop Stops the playback.
/loop off , /loop [2-5] Loops the song to x times.
/info Shows the info of the playback in the chat.
/refreshadmins Refreshes the admin list in the chat.
/auth Adds the user mentioned in the reply to bot admin list.
/unauth Removes the user mentioned in the reply from bot admin list.
/listadmins Lists all the bot admins.
/adminmode [on,off] Turn on/off the admin mode.
