GhostlyPy Discord Bot

  • A public Discord bot built-in Python that was derived from a private project.

    This is an open-source Discord bot that can be used in any environment. I do have a hosted version, but this way the bot is customizable and can be accessed by anyone wanting their own custom bot.

    All I ask if that you keep the snippet that mentions me as one of the creators of the bot. Particularly, on the !info command.

    Here are instructions on how to use the bot as-is, with no paid hosting:

    1. In a terminal: git clone ''
    2. After cloning the repository to your local machine, change to the projects folder and find the 'prefixes.json' file. This file will hold the ID of your server and the prefix you would like to use. Here is the syntax:

    (example: "111222333444" : "!")

    "server-id" : "prefix"
    1. Before moving forward, you will need to be sure to set up a bot in the developers portal here: (once this is configured, add the appropiate environment variables to the .env file and both should be connected)
    2. From here, just run 'python3' and everything should boot up!

    Pull Requests

    All pull requests are welcome! We are always looking for improvements or fixes. We currently use a few different stacks, please feel free to submit a new PR if you're comfortable working in any of the following:

    Discord Bot

    • Python (Programming Language)
    • Many Other Modules (Check requirements.txt)

    Documentation (Coming Soon)

    • React.js
    • Node.js (npm)
