
A Talia discord bot with python.


(Note that all calls to python3 may need to be changed to python if you're on Windows.)

  1. Ensure that Python is installed with python3 --version. (If it's not, you can download it here)
  2. Install dependencies with python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. Setup a MySQL database (If you need to download it, you can find it here).
  4. Run Talia.py (In src/) with python3 Talia.py. This will create a configuration (config.json) file in the same directory.
  5. Fill in all the sections. (A guide on that can be found here).
  6. Run python3 Talia.py again to start the bot, and if everything worked correctly you will see "Ready".


A description for each section of the configuration file.

  • token: Discord client token.
  • owners: A list of discord ID's with complete owner access.
  • db
    • host: IP to the server where it's located. (Can be "localhost" for a local database.)
    • user: The MySQL user you want to use for access.
    • password: The password of the MySQL user.
    • database: Which database to use.
    • ssh_username: The username to use for access to a remote database through SSH. (Only needed if accessing a remote database.)
    • ssh_password: The password to use for access to a remote database through SSH. (Only needed if accessing a remote database.)
  • backups
    • interval: The interval (in seconds) to make a backup of the database.
    • database: The database to make a backup in.
  • links: A dictionary of links to show.
  • full_logging: Log EVERYTHING.


Things Talia uses:

  • Python - High level programming language.
  • MySQL - Database system.

