© by ElytrA8


ColdKube is pluggable Telegram Userbot , with tons of features in mind .

forthebadge made-with-python


#include <std/disclaimer.h>
      Your Telegram account may get banned.
      I am not responsible for any improper use of this bot
      This bot is intended for the purpose of having fun with memes,
      as well as efficiently managing groups.
      You ended up spamming groups, getting reported left and right,
      and you ended up in a Finale Battle with Telegram and at the end
      Telegram Team deleted your account?
      And after that, then you pointed your fingers at us
      for getting your acoount deleted?
      I will be rolling on the floor laughing at you.

Generate String Session

Run on your terminal

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ColdKube/ColdKube/production/terminal_getstring.sh && bash terminal_getstring.sh

How To Host?

Deploy on Heroku

Make sure you have an account of heroku and follow all the steps required.

Deploy to Heroku

Deploy on Railway

Make Sure to Do your repo private

Deploy on Railway

Groups and Support

For discussion, bug reporting, and help, you can join ColdKube support group.
For further guide you can read this Guide.


This userbot licensed on Raphielscape Public License – Version 1.d, February 2020

