
A Discord bot for editing and creating videos, images, GIFs, and more!

general technical info about the bot

  • inspired by esmBot
  • uses (python discord lib)
  • uses FFmpeg for most media functions
  • uses selenium and ChromeDriver to render captions in html with Chrome
    • although not the fastest approach, it is very readable, flexible, and easy to work with/expand.

to self-host

verified working on windows 10 and ubuntu 18.04. will probably work on macos and other linux distros if the below libraries are available but theyre untested and unsupported.

external libraries

the bot uses many CLI programs for media processing.

  • FFmpeg - not included but easily installable on windows and linux
    • If installing on ubuntu, ensure that ffmpeg version >= 4
  • gifski - windows executable is included. linux version downloadable from the website
  • pngquant - windows executable is included. installable on linux with sudo apt-get install pngquant
  • ChromeDriver - ChromeDriver 87.0.4280.88 for both windows and linux are included. They have functioned as intended in my testing, but here's the website anyways.
    • ChromeDriver requires there to be an installation of chrome on your system accessible via path or similair. Your chrome version doesn't have to be the exact same as your chromedriver version, but it should be similar
    • you may need to run sudo chmod +x ./chromedriver87 on linux to make it a working executable.
  • ImageMagick - not included but downloadable here
  • ExifTool - windows executable is included. installable on linux with sudo apt-get install exiftool
  • apngasm - windows executable is included. installable on linux with sudo apt-get install apngasm
  • cairo - install on linux with sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev. installable on windows by downloading GTK+.
    • this library is not yet used. it is needed to render lottie stickers but the library for rendering them is bugged so it isnt used yet.

pip libraries

  • This project uses pipenv, run pipenv install to install required dependencies.
  • check pipenv's repo for more info on pipenv usage.
  • for now, a requirements.txt file is also maintained, this may change.


  • create a copy of and name it
  • insert/change the appropriate config settings such as your discord api token. be sure not to add or remove quotes.
    • the 2 required config settings to change for proper functionality are the discord and tenor tokens.


  • developed and tested on python 3.8. use that or a later compatible version

to run

  • once you've set up all of the libraries, just run the program with python (or python3.8 or whatever your python is named). make sure it can read and write to the directory it lives in and also access/execute all the aforementioned libraries
    • if using pipenv, run pipenv run python or open the venv shell with pipenv shell and then run python
  • terminate the bot by running the shutdown command, this will probably close better than a termination
